Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Absence of Wharton’s jelly: case report

Cristiano Claudino Oliveira, Rozany Mucha Dufloth, Kunie Iabuki Rabello Coelho
J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2014;50(6):452-455
DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20140056


There are few reports in the literature of the absence of Wharton’s Jelly. Here we report the seventh case in a primigravida, 22 years old, admitted after vaginal delivery of stillborn. The umbilical cord have a long segment with disruption of cord structures and the three blood vessels were completely separated from each other, with a minimum amount of Wharton’s jelly remaining around each vessel. The absence of Wharton’ jelly is associated with fetal distress, intrauterine growth restriction, and fetal death. Quantitative/qualitative studies of Wharton’s jelly represent an open field of research for possible correlations with obstetric conditions and fetal deaths.

Keywords: umbilical cord, pathology, Wharton’s jelly, fetal death


Na literatura, há poucos relatos sobre a ausência de geleia de Wharton. Relatamos o sétimo caso em uma primigesta de 22 anos, admitida após parto vaginal de feto natimorto. O cordão umbilical apresentava longo segmento com esfacelo da geleia e três vasos sanguíneos completamente separados uns dos outros, com mínima quantidade de geleia de Wharton remanescente ao redor de cada vaso. Ausência de geleia de Wharton associa-se a estresse, restrição de crescimento e óbitos fetais. Estudos quantitativos/ qualitativos sobre a geleia de Wharton representam campo de pesquisa aberto para possíveis correlações com condições e doenças obstétricas e óbitos fetais.

Palavras-chave: cordão umbilical, patologia, geleia de Wharton, óbito fetal



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